Step into our world

It was after the birth of Londyn, Alisha Wedderburn’s daughter, that her lens on life refocused, and she began to see the world through her impressionable eyes. Coupled with the revival of personal pursuit to see and be seen in the world, the shift also invoked an even deeper desire to amplify the visibility of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) community and drew more attention to the importance of supporting it.

Alisha wanted to see herself, her daughter, her family and her friends in the places she frequented and began intentionally purchasing from businesses that were owned by and marketed to members of the community, and in pairing this intentionality with her penchant for communication through the written word, Mint Greetings was manifested.

A highly expressive woman by nature, Alisha will allude to her enduring love of words and inclination to use them as a tool to empower, uplift and encourage the people she loves and cares about the most, as a motivating factor behind her exclusive range of greeting cards.

With a dedicated focus on people of colour - as emphasized through the visually relatable artwork that adorns each card and articulated through each message - Alisha has created a range that spans generations, speaking to children, parents and grandparents alike, so they can all look at her cards and say, “that’s me.” 

Mint Greetings is Alisha’s soulful contribution to ensuring her community is not only seen but captured in a meaningful way that can be shared and celebrated by all.